Fear of Falling
by Robin Fulton Macpherson
Treading the past, much like
treading the present, eyes
on pavement edges, cracked
asphalt, unsubdued roots.
Notes for a Retrospective | |
Poems by Robin Fulton Macpherson | |
Autobiography | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |
Biography | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |
Fear of Falling | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |
Losing a River | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |
Otherwise | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |
Persistent River | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |
Sea-Mist Gives Way | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |
Sometimes Visible | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |
Young Light | Poem by Robin Fulton Macpherson |