Bi Modhail
by Ceitidh Chaimbeul
Lìon caillich na suidheachain eile
nan suidhe gu dìreach is modhail.
Cnàmhan is anman a’ gleadhraich
le spèiread fhaclan.
Brògan grinne a sheachnadh an t-sruth
air gach taobh an trannsa
Ginealaichean de ‘bi modhail,
na cur car de ghnothaichean’ –
cha robh breith-bhriathar na bu làidire
na glocail shocair, sùilean mall-rosgach
le fiamh orra, ag èisteachd ris an t-searmon ràpach.
Bu math leam rudeigin ag ràdh
ach, a-rithist, mar as àbhaist,
cha d’ rinn mi dad ’s mi nam shuidhe
gu dìreach is modhail mar an ceudna air a’ bhus
a’ speuradh gu h-os ìosail gun nèamh.
Be polite
Old women filled the other seats
sitting straight and polite.
Bones and souls shaking
with the strength of the words.
Neat shoes avoiding the stream
on either side of the aisle.
Generations of ‘behave,
don’t cause a scene -
there was no word of judgement
except a gentle tutting, calm eyed
yet awe-struck listening to the noisy sermon.
I really wanted to say something
but, again, as always
I did nothing but sat
straight and polite like the others on the bus,
swearing silently to the heavens.