seann chleòc
by Iain S Mac a’ phearsain
’s e seann chleòc
a th’ anns a’ phian
mhòir a shiùbhlas leinn
bho chian nan cian
briogais theann a chuireas
a’ chas bheag oirnn uile
nuair a shioftas sinn
gu togail oirnn, lath ‘ buidhe
’s e searbh-lèine a th’ ann
gar tachdadh bho chùl
na h-amhaich’ sìos gu
bonn na broinn’, tha mi an dùil
an old cloak
ample pain is an
old cloak that
travels with us
from ages gone
tight trousers that
hobble us all
when we make
to move on, some happy day
it’s a bitter-shirt
choking us from the
back of the neck down to the
bottom of the belly, I expect