by Meg Bateman
Dè ’m feum a bhith teagasg riaghailtean gràmair
is an saoghal gun riaghailt;
dè ’m feum a bhith mìneachadh sèimheachadh
is clach-mheallain gar bodhradh;
dè ’m feum a bhith a-mach air linn an àigh –
mun phòsadh eadar tìr is daoine –
is an aimhreit eadarainn
ga h-èigheach bho na speuran?
What’s the point of teaching the rules of grammar
when the world knows no rules;
what’s the point of explaining lenition
while deafened by hailstones;
what’s the point of talking about the Golden Age
and a marriage between land and people
while the discord between us
rages from the heavens?